Have you ever felt confused about which members of your digital content team should make what decisions and when? Do you even know who all the phone number list team members are and what they do? Do you sometimes feel ROT (redundant, outdated, or trivial information) and wish your organization had a better process for maintaining old phone number list content so customers are more likely to discover only relevant, up-to-date, and useful content ?
If so, you aspire to digital governance. You yearn for the phone number list things Lisa Welchman talked about at the Smart Content conference (and which are summarized in this article) . And if her session's popularity is any indicator, you're not alone in your phone number list aspirations.
What exactly is digital governance?
As Lisa defines it, digital governance is “a discipline that focuses on establishing clear accountability for digital strategy, policy, and standards.” In other words, phone number list digital governance gives organizations a way phone number list to manage content-related decisions that don't involve anyone's headquarters.
Most of the challenges in digital governance come from not knowing who is supposed to decide things. We are not talking about micromanagement. We're talking about helping people do their job. For example, if you have to choose a color palette, “it's not a community decision,” says Lisa. “It's a conversation and then you say, 'It's the phone number list team over there who decides'. Because it evolves.
Does governance stifle creativity?
No. Governance enables innovation and creativity.
A small digital team, like a jazz ensemble, can get away with inventing as they go. A great team, on the phone number list other hand, must function like a symphony orchestra, as Lisa explained to me after her speech. Improvisation does not adapt. A great team must follow the standards just as an orchestra must follow the scores. Unfortunately, most great teams fail to become the phone number list model orchestra. Standards help a large group operate by “providing the necessary structure for people to prepare and release content at scale while allowing for phone number list creativity and a beautiful outcome.
Does every project need a governance plan?
No, you don't need governance for every content effort. For example, when you start a new channel or do something experimental, governance would only get in the phone number list way. Lisa calls this early post-launch phase “organic growth.” During this phase, you try things out and find out what works.
You only need digital governance after you start to understand what works. At this point, you should be thinking, “OK, how are we going to put standards and mechanisms in place to expand this effort?” Along with that, you need to think about what phone number list content is worth keeping and what should be thrown away.